1. Free Live Weather Radar Download
  2. Fs2004 Weather Radar Download Desktop

Sirs,I've read that a few new products coming to the market for FS2004 may have weather radar which is great however what is the default weather engine like in FS2004, is it at all realistic, can it generate pockets of bad weather? Is a weather radar really worth the hit the CPU will take? Could someone in the know tell me if Microsoft's FS2004 can produce anything like x-plane weather can (which is very impressive)? Could we expect FS2004 to generate situations like that below or maybe addon weather programs can?Perhaps the new FS2004 weather isn't half bad?

If only we could merge the pros of X-Plane and FS2004. With version FS9, there is both 'local' weather, I believe a roughly 2nm area around a reporting station, and, like FS2K2, a global area where at that instant the same weather exists all over with the position of your aircraft determining the global situation. Global is still needed for those areas that do not report and weather programs can interpolate for those areas. AS2004 will do that, for one.With the increased rezolution offered by local weather cells, you can (weather permitting) see cloud build-ups in the correct geographic locations from your aircraft.

Similarly, there is now data available directly from FS itself to drive weather radar/stormscope gauges (there is a difference in technology, but that is not for this discussion).There are already postings illustrating AS2004's current radar pop-up module. They will have a gauge, as planned, in the future.Reality-XP is developing a gauge only device, for embedding in a panel just like any other gauge, that is based on samplings from the area in FS around the aircraft and is not dependent on a specific weather application.So, yes, weather radar/stormscope in FS9 should be practical due to the ability of weather applications to dictate conditions for these relatively small weather areas.I suggest you visit both of their support forums for links to screenshots of their current and near future products. The answer is simple. Nothere is simply not enough time to allow for a small team development of a true onboard weather radar simulation for FS9 prior to the next probable release of a next version - period.what you are seeing in these previews are simply a simulation of a nexrad radar uplink. Although this is a good thing, do not get confused with the verbiage. In the industry WX radar, when talking about seeing it on an airplane implies an onboard unit.

WX information (or display) is wx information SENT to the airplane.so again.FS9 wx radar NOFS9 wx display YES. Time for a little explanation on the difference between a stormscope/strike-finder and radar:Radar is an active system that on most aircraft other than specialized storm chasers requires a directional transmission/reception antenna that takes some real estate limiting its scan to about azimuth of 120 degrees or so. A pulse beam is transmitted either mechanically or electronicly directed in a certain direction and a look out for a return on the receiver is executed, all many times per a certain period. Although sensitivity has improved in later models, basicly fairly dense precipitation partricles cause a return the intensity being determined by particle density and size and density is displayed by a certain color.

No precip, no return. It is also affected somewhat by a reduction in intensity caused by distance, although fairly far from the aircraft.

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Some radars may correct the intensity for the distance of the return.A stormscope is a passive receiver which monitors for charged particles in the environment and can scan in 360 degrees. These can even be dust particles or any particle that picks up a charge which increases with it speed of air movement.

Great concentration of these charges also shows a greater return strength. Being electrically sensitive it also serves as a strike-finder. The smaller size of the antenna and apparatus makes it more appropriate for smaller aircraft. It is claimed also not be as sensitive to distance attenuation nor the effect of radar systems where the returns of a nearer particle dense cluster can mask the detection of a further cluster at the same azimuth and elevation.This is an interpretation of a couple of real-world guides.There is some discussion on the differences and advantages in a pilot's guide down-loadable brom the Bendix-King site. I am from a job-related function familiar with a Collins Doppler Radar that is an airborne model adapted for a ground based application by being mounted a a full rotating azimuth pedestal with a much larger antenna than can be fitted in even a large aircraft. Speed of the moving precip is displayed as a function of its doppler mode but I'm not sure if this applies to airborne implementation.FS9 local weather writes should enable developers to support either system nicely. Last night I flew from KIAH to KSAT, using my new Athlon 64, 3400+ system, Beech B1900, Active Sky 2004 and Reality-XP Weather Radar.

I kept the radar open on a second monitor throughout the flight. What an experience!I filed IFR but hadn't paid any attention to the destination weather report. However, I knew that they were expecting weather in San Antonio. As I flew out, I started getting returns, but didn't think much about it.

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I was cruising at FL 200, so everything was pretty smooth. Then the flashing red cells started popping up on radar.I adjusted the tilt so that I was getting ground returns at 80 miles, and saw some pretty significant shadowing behind some of the larger cells (gulp!).As I began my decent, I picked up heavy rain at 10,000 feet.

Shortly afterward, the turbulence began, and it got pretty bad. I saw what appeared to be an opening in the radar, so headed towards it.

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I broke through just where it showed! Still some rain, but I could see the ground and other aircraft in the distance.Then, turning onto base, I again saw the red flashing returns, and once more, headed into zero visibility and turbulence. Turning on final and intercepting the ILS, things lightened up a bit, but still had low visibility. Finally, at about one mile out, I sighted the runway, turned off the autopilot and landed in heavy rain.Jeez! This has to be one of the greatest add-ons that has come out for FS9.If, like me, you have been waiting for a good weather radar simulation, wait no longer. This is it.Wilson. My experience (with registered FSUIPC, AS2004, and using the WX500 from Reality) is that I engaged a heck of a lot of turbulence in TRWs.

The is a turbulence scalar adjustment in FS9.cfg that is typically too high at 1.00. I run at 0.40. I also have turbulence enabled in FSUIPC. (I also had similar experience in FS2K2.)Unless you have one of those rather expensive force-feedback sim chairs, the indications of turbulence will be jumpy analog instruments and for really severe turbulence sudden changes in the aircraft attitude.I have also noted strong vertical speed indication in some cases with immediate reversals due to the strong up and down drafts encountered.

If the aircraft is not stsable and powerful enough to recover, terrain collision can be a threat. So I see a penalty in flying through TRWs - DS does not ignore them.

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