The story ofthe UM351 starts at the beginning of our company’s history when we first launched the TAB Funkenwerk line in the late1990’s. My good friend Dirk Groll, one of Europe’s best music journalists, had helped me roundup all that was left of the historic TAB company. One day he asked me for my technical opinion about NeumannGefell mics made during the time when the GDR was a separate country. Over the years, Dirk had bought alarge number of GDR made Gefell mics (, ) and while all of them passed signal, none of them were in suitable condition for use in a recording studio.

  1. Vintage Telefunken Mic

After he weeded out all of the bad capsules, power supplies, etc., what he had left were just a few buffer amplifiersthat sounded OK but none were in the same battle class as the historic Neumann’s made in Berlin. Mysuggestion was to check all of the buffer amplifiers with one reference tube and measure the static value to see how closethey were to each other and the original specs. The test showed that the amplifiers were all over the map.

Atthat point, Dirk asked me if he could send me all of the transformers that he found that were broken or just sounded bad forrewinding. He also sent one that he thought sounded acceptable as a reference copy.

Vintage Telefunken Mic

Whenthe package from Germany arrived at my shop in Seattle, I found what you would expect from GDR era made transformers- inconsistentmaterials. The challenge for Gefell during the GDR era was that acquiring the proper raw materials wasdifficult and their quality fluctuated drastically. Since production could not cease, they used whatevermaterials were available when they needed them in order to meet their monthly quotas. From the 10 transformersthat Dirk initially sent to me, there were three different ratios and eight different types of alloy used for the lamination. Rewinding them was not going to fix the problem and even Dirk’s reference transformer was of a very low soundquality. At the 2000 held in Los Angeles, I had a conversation with Mr.

Kuehnast who was at that time the General Manager of Gefell. He told me that during the GDR days, Gefell had to make the lamination in house. They stamped it,heat treated it and they literally had to cut the corners of the lamination to conserve the nickel based alloy that was quitedifficult to get a hold of. Under the circumstances, they did quite a good job to meet the government productionquotas (according to Mr. Kuehnast, 1.6 metric tons a month!). Over the years I have encountered Gefelltransformers with lamination that consisted of everything from plain old dynamo grade alloy to sintered Nickel dust cores. It was because of this wide varying lamination that the winding ratios also changed in an attempt to make up for thelower grade materials.

Upgradingthe mics with a Neumann (Berlin) style transformer along the lines of a BV8 or BV11 was not an option due to the spacelimitations of the mic body tubes. I tried a KM54 style transformer which was also not optimalas there were headroom issues when the mics were used during close up micing. After a few days of debatingand trying to find an American style lamination to fit the situation, I finally gave up and started to make toolingin the style of the historic Gefell GN551 lamination. My goal was to come up with a lamination that would be as closeto the original Gefell lamination but with consistent material properties that would capture the spirit of Gefell's originalintentions. Thelast decision to make on the transformer, and perhaps the most controversial, was whether or not to incorporate a faradaicshield. There has been an ongoing technical debate as to whether a shield is needed within the transformerto reduce external noise (RF or EMF).

All of the Neumann Gefell mics incorporated a faradaic shield intheir transformers. However other classic tube mics used transformers without a faradaic shield: NeumannU47 and M49, AKG C12 and Telefunken Ela M 250/251. When used in a studio that has been properly wired noneof these mics exhibit any noise issues due to a missing faradaic shield.

Unfortunately,any shielding added into a transformer disturbs the magnetic flow in the transformer. Having done experimentswith building the same transformers with and without faradaic shields, the shielded transformers have a loss of high end frequencyresponse as well as a loss of clarity and resolution of signal. I decided that the potential noise cancellingbenefits of the faradaic shield were minimal while the negative impact on sound quality was high and made the decision tonot incorporate a faradaic shield in the UM351. As a side note, when (the follow up company of RFT Gefell) chose the UM351 transformer for their 75th anniversary mic, the, they ask us if we could make the UM351 with a faradaic shield. Their standing policy is that all of theirmics must use a faradaic shield in their transformer. After several weeks of discussion where I pointedout the benefits for not using a shield, they finally agreed to use the UM351 exactly as I designed it.

Talking withMr. Rowehl, the former Microtech Gefell sales manager, with 75 UM75 mics delivered there were no complaints of noise but lotsof compliments on the brilliant tone that the mic produces. With the laminationselected, faradaic shield decision resolved and the winding ratio set, I made one transformer using one of the Gefellcores that seemed to be made of a Nickel alloy along with a control sample that was made with the lamination that I had made. The samples were sent back to Dirk in Germany and after several tests he decided that the control sample did the mostjustice for the Gefell-made PVC capsule. After several additional tests in my shop, I incorporated Dirk’ssuggestions and the AMI UM351 replacement transformer was born. I do not know if we successfully capturedthe original Gefell spirit, but when you couple the UM351 transformer with a rebuilt Gefell buffer amp (new precision resistorsand capacitors) the “People Owned” Neumann certainly competes with its cousins that were manufactured in Berlin.Once the design was finalized, I sent Dirk a big box of the UM351’sand he started to refurbish all of the Gefell mics in his collection.

Any capsule repairs were done. Itis hard to unequivocally state how a microphone should sound that was made over 50 years ago with such a wide variety of partsand materials used in their construction. However, the end result is very pleasing and makes a good qualitymic. The mics are less well known here in the US as very few ever came over during the cold war. Most people who know of these GDR Gefell mics were due to seeing film of Louis Armstrong performing at Lucerna Hallin Prague, 1965.

The footage of him using a UM57 generated interest in the mic here in the US however,it was nearly impossible to get them into the US. There are stories of folks smuggling UM57’s throughCuba into the US but the interest was minimal due to the inconsistent quality of sound from the mics.

Bedienungsanleitung telefunken mic headphones

Nowthere are options to refurbish these wonderful microphones and make them an integral part of one’s recording studio.Schematics for Mic Rebuilds using the AMI UM351. V72,Oahu, are all Registered Trademarks of Oliver Archut, V72 is Licensed to AMI, Inc. Oahu is Licensed AM Inc.,The TAB logois an registered trademark of AMI, Inc.,all marks are filed with the US Patent and Trademark Office. BT4, BV8N,BV8R, BV47, BV314, T5, T7, T8, T11, T47, T49, T58, T60, T80, TR22, TR42, UM351, V71DI, V72M, V72S, V76M, V77M, V78M,U73M,TAB-Funkenwerk and The Hydra are all Copyright 2000-2012, AM Inc. Oliver Archut is Copyright 1995- 2012by Oliver Archut. Lucas, CS-1 and CS-4 are all Copyright 2011, Lucas Engineering.

Other product names mentionedmay be service marks, trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies and are hereby acknowledged.

nowboted – 2020