
Hello everyone,I came across a UAD-1 crack a while back and I was wondering how to make it work because I found a UAD-1 card cheap and would like to unlock all the plugins if possible.I do know that you can always keep reinstalling windows and reset the demos but that is kind of like going out of your way. Unless you imaged your drive right before you activated all the demos and then keep your sessions saved to a different disk.

Then re-image the drive when the demo runs out. It sucks that way because the demos are good for less than 30 days. You should be able to set the clock back each nite and see if that works. Also there is windows timer cracks that reset the clock each nite or whatever specified.i heard about that all the way back to 2000.Good luck.Hey you guys.what I truly would like to see is a UAD card EMULATOR!!!! Now that would be interesting.even if it required a super fast CPU.with the new Intel Chips like the would think it could emulate those Sharc chips pretty easy.However i dont know bout that.also one more thing.OT - have you guys ever heard of someone trying to use a video card to run plugins.somehow letting the GPU do the calculations and it would be like a DSP card in itself? Talk about a cheap solution.or even better, some Guru crackin the UAD that would emulate on one of these Video Cards (i know, wishful thinkin'). Thats why I said '.it would be interesting'.

However the UAD is nice but Waves stuff sounds just as good (.if not betta) and its just dont make since to invest that kinda money into a card when you can but a mobo and proc that would smoke the advantage of How many plugs you can run/proprietary B.S. Ive heard them and yes they sound nice but I wud rather use the other stuff that sounds just as good.for $0.

I love to see these guys get all worked up over theoreticals!!! I actually used to build DSP boards that had 10 Sharc chips on each card.


Huge DSP Boards.and Soldered them with a microscope. The name of the Company is Harrison/GLW.


They make million $ recording consoles with 256 channels and 4 layers. And yes - someone could spend the time and make an emu.however-it would be impractical since Wave's $13K bundle is MUCH MORE Sought After and is VST!!!AUDI 5000 G!!!!:)Oh one more thing.unless the UAD has a battery on the DSP board.try setting your CMOS clock backwards in the BIOS. If the UAD doesnt have a Battery and is on some 'real world Clock' time then it has to sync to something to give it a timestamp. Interesting to say the Least!!!

Hi, lephanteyour last mail is a little cryptical to me. Maybe because my english isn't the best.If I understand you right, you said, that the so called crack-files, that I uploaded aren't worth anything, but you have another idea if you only can find someone with a card and the Plug-Ins registered to analyze his registry settings?The experience you made with the crack-files is the same that other people reported here and elsewhere. You prooved, they're right. Sorry, that I made you spend time on that worthless trail.I will keep my eyes open to find someone with a card and additional Plug-Ins to get a copy of his registry.Thx for your work and I hope, you'll succeed on this very soon.ClingonP.S.

Uad Cambridge Rapidshare Download Manager

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