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Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, brain activation patternswere examined in response to hearing one’s own first name incontrast to hearing the names of others. There are several regions in the lefthemisphere that show greater activation to one’s own name, includingmiddle frontal cortex, middle and superior temporal cortex, and cuneus.

Thesefindings provide evidence that hearing one’s own name has uniquebrain functioning activation specific to one’s own name in relationto the names of others. IntroductionSelf representation in children begins in the first year of life (;; ) and further developments emerge in the middle of the second yearincluding self recognition, pretend play and use of personal pronouns (; ). Quantitative measures of brainmaturation applied toinfants and young children have shown the relations between brain maturation of theleft temporo-parietal and right medial frontal cortex and the emergence of selfrepresentational behavior.

It is interesting to note that the finding of the maturity of the lefttemporo-parietal junction is consistent with others who have also found the leftside to be most involved in self referential behavior and is involved in reasoningabout the beliefs of others.While studies of facial familiarity including the self can be done easilywith adults and cooperative older children, it is more difficult to obtainneuroimaging measures on infants and young children due to subject movement and topoor cooperation with task demands. Often, neuroimaging of infants and youngchildren is performed under sedation (; ), andfunctional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies of sedated children show thatwords activate specific brain regions (; ). In addition, we have shown that a child under sedation respondsselectively to the sound of her own first name (Carmody et al., in press).Our interest in looking at brain functioning of young children while theyundergo developmental changes in self representational behavior requires us to havea reference of mature functioning.

Therefore, it is of importance to us to determinehow the developed adult brain responds to hearing one’s own name inorder to determine the brain regions that are active to this unique stimulus. Havingan adult end point allows us to study not only the development of self referentialbehavior but allows us to study brain activation in children who fail to show anormal developmental course.Neuroimaging of adults using positron emission tomography (PET) and fMRI hasshown that specific brain region activation is associated with self representationalbehaviors. For example, a network of brain regions involved in the ability toattribute mental states to self and others, known as“mentalizing”, include the medial prefrontal cortex and thetemporal-parietal junction near the anterior portions of the superior temporal gyrus.

In addition, the leftsuperior temporal gyrus and the left medial frontal gyrus are activated whensubjects engage in a theory-of-mind task relative to reading sentences (;; ), and activation occurs in left superior temporalcortex (Brodmann area 22) and left inferior parietal cortex when subjects judgewhether adjectives are relevant to themselves (; ). Using fMRI, the medial surface of the superior frontal gyrus isactivated when calling a subject’s own name relative to calling thenames of others , and theright frontal cortex, including superior, middle, and inferior regions, is activatedwhen subjects identified the faces of self and famous others. There is general agreement thatself representational behaviors activate regions near the temporo-parietal junctionalthough other studies suggest activation of the medial frontal cortex as well(; ).In the studies of self recognition and self representation, brain activationwas assessed in subjects experiencing several demands, such as deciding if lists ofadjectives were descriptive of themselves and responding with a hand movement. It isalso important to note that the task of theory of mind requires reflecting on bothself and others. Our interest in the current study is to identify brain regions thatare activated when hearing one’s own name without demanding specificattention to targets or responses from participants. We expected that the regionsthat increase in activation when hearing one’s own name also would berelated to the areas identified in the tasks involved in judgments of self.

Inaddition, we examined how hearing one’s own name differs from hearingthe names of others in terms of unique patterns of brain activity. ResultsBrain regions were identified that were activated when hearingone’s own name relative to hearing the names of others. Illustrates the regions of activation at fourdifferent axial levels (Z values of +10, 15, 20, and 25mm) for allparticipants based on the Talairach atlas when own name is compared to all other names. Asshown in the figure, there are both anterior and posterior regions involved whenhearing one’s own name.

The data indicate a predominantly posteriornetwork that includes the middle temporal cortex (BA 39), left superior temporalcortex (BA 22), middle occipital gyrus (BA 19) and cuneus (BA 18). An anteriornetwork of activation was found in middle frontal cortex (BA 9, 10, 46) and superiorfrontal cortex (BA 10). Brain activation maps when hearing names.

The left side of the imagecorresponds to the left side of the brain. The red areas are associated withhearing one’s own name relative to hearing the names of others.The numbers below the slices indicate the z-axis Talairach coordinates.While represents the summary ofactive areas across all participants,presents the regions activated by three or more of the four participants at thelevels of the four axial images with the nearest Brodmann areas (BA) and Talairachcoordinates (x, y, and z) of the centers of clusters of voxels. While the Talairachcoordinates are exact, the Brodmann areas are approximate estimates. Using thecriteria of three or more participants for inclusion, the regions of activation arein the left hemisphere in frontal, temporal, and occipital cortex. DiscussionOur interest was whether auditory name recognition is associated with aunique pattern of brain activation. We found brain regions that showed differencesin the hemodynamic response between hearing one’s own name and hearingthe names of others. The results differ from those of other studies for two reasons.First, participants heard only names without the requirement of completing othertasks, such as judging the relevance of adjectives and providing a motor responsesuch as a key press.

Second, the contrasts are made between hearingone’s first name with the names of others, and not to a silent, restperiod. A review follows of the similarities and differences between the findings ofthis study and others. Activation of anterior regionsActivation of anterior regions included left middle frontal cortex (BA10 and BA 46) as well as left subgyral white matter. These patterns ofactivation are similar to the patterns reported in self referential tasks byothers. For example, left medial prefrontal activation was found whenindividuals engaged in self referential processing contrasted with letterrecognitionandinferior frontal gyrus activation occurred when participants heard their ownname and reacted to the presence of auditory target names by pressing a button,a task that required explicit attention by participants. Using a visual task thatinstructed participants to look at the image and think about whom it was (i.e.,subjects were asked to mentally identify the face being presented), rightfrontal cortex was activated for own face images relative to famous face images.

Activation of posterior regionsIn our study, posterior regions that were activated in response toone’s own name included left middle temporal cortex (BA 39) and leftsuperior temporal cortex (BA 22). These regions are similar to the activation atthe temporo-parietal junction reported in an fMRI study when subjects perform a‘theory of mind’ task , and activation in superior temporal cortexwhen making judgments about others. In addition, we found activation in left cuneus andfusiform gyrus (largely BA 18) similar to the activation of posterior cingulatewhen making judgments about others and to the activation of left fusiform gyrus in arecognition task of one’s own face. However, participants in those two studies(; ) viewed visualpresentations of the stimuli, while the presentations in the current study wereauditory.

A brief review of neuroimaging findings in tasks that are not selfreferential lends an explanation of the activation of the cuneus.In a study using PET that identified cerebral structures involved inmusic appreciation, preferential left hemisphere activation was found forfamiliarity, pitch tasks and rhythm. Activation was found in left cuneus/preceuneus (BA 18/19)for the pitch task, an unexpected finding for a task involving auditorypresentations. The authors suggested that the participants used a strategyinvolving mental imagery to achieve the task. In a PET study of the cognitivecomponent of olfactory processing, left cuneus was activated when participantsnamed the odors.The authors suggest that the task involved some imagery to ascertain the name ofthe odor and indicated that the visual cortex is involved in mental imagerytasks (see also; ). In the current study,the salience of one’s own name may elicit activity in non-auditorybrain regions.The differences in activation patterns between our findings and those ofother studies may be the result of the demands made of participants to payattention for the presence of a target and to make a motor response.

Even so,the areas that are common to this study and the tasks that demand attention andjudgments are located in medial frontal cortex and superior temporal cortex nearthe temporo-parietal junction.In addition, a network of brain regions involved in the ability toattribute mental states to self and others, known as“mentalizing”, include the medial prefrontal cortex andthe temporal-parietal junction near the anterior portions of the superiortemporal gyrus. We foundgreater activation in middle and superior frontal cortex, as well as thesuperior temporal cortex when hearing one’s own name than whenhearing the names of others.

Locating the resting selfIt has been suggested that the resting state of self is located inmedial prefrontal cortex. Many studies that require reflection on internal processes, suchas theory-of-mind, emotion, or perspective taking, require subjects to usesimilar brain regions that are active when reflecting on self. As such, theremay be few regions identified in these areas when comparing the resting state tothe task state. We chose to make the contrast between hearing the two types ofnames rather than contrasting to a rest or silent condition because brainregions that are active in the resting state are, at times, more active andactive in different ways, than when involved in cognitive tasks (; Gusnard and;; ).An explanation for the increased activity at rest is that individualsvary, both between imaging sessions as well as within a single session, in theirreflections of the self.

As such, there may be greater activation when reflecting on selfduring the resting state than when subjects direct their attention to externaltasks. Therefore, in order to identify areas involved in processingone’s own name, it is necessary to use as a contrast an activitythat is not the resting state. We chose to compare the brain activation whenhearing one’s own name to brain activation when hearing the names ofothers. Moreover, we used a design in which all participants heard the same setof four names, one of which was their own. ConclusionsThe findings of this simple paradigm are consistent with the findings inthe literature.

There is unique brain activation specific to one’sown name in relation to the names of others. In addition, the patterns ofactivation when hearing one’s own name relative to hearing the namesof others are similar to the patterns reported when individuals make judgmentsabout themselves and their personal qualities, and include the regions of themedial frontal cortex and superior temporal cortex near the temporo-parietaljunction. These results will enable us to study young children and eveninfants’ responses to their own names in order to see when selfrepresentation first occurs. Pediatric populations can be readily studied withthis auditory task.

StimuliThe first names of the four participants were used as stimuli and thesame four names were used for all participants (Dan, Jay, Mike, Saul). The nameswere not different spectrally. This allowed an analysis of the differences inbrain activation between hearing their own name and the activation when hearingthe names of others.Names were recorded by a male voice in blocks of 15 seconds with thesame name repeated every three seconds within the block, and were presented atthe rate of 500 msec per name with a silent interstimulus interval of 2500 msec.A 12-second silent period followed each block.

There were 6 blocks of each namefor a total of 24 blocks arranged in a randomized order with the same order forall four participants. Each participant heard his own name 30 times and heardeach of the other names 30 times. For the first interval of 30-seconds, no nameswere presented allowing participants to accommodate to the scanner noise. Theentire task required 678 seconds to complete. ProcedureThe task was to listen to the names without making a motor response.Participants heard the auditory stimuli through headphones connected to a PCusing software (E-Prime). As we already know from the literature, the cocktailparty phenomena suggestthat adults never tire of hearing their name and thus there is no reason tobelieve that there was a diminution of the participants’ interest tohearing their name in this brief setting.

A questionnaire given following thescanning revealed that the subjects found the study interesting and that thesounds of their names elicited responses of ‘that’sme.’. FMRI recordingScanning was performed with a 1.5 Tesla General Electric Scanner withechoplanar capability and a standard quadrature head coil. Participants werepositioned supine with the head in a midline location in the coil. In additionto instructions to limit head motion, foam pads within the head coil helpedsecure head fixation and prevent motion.

Participants were imaged with eyesclosed in the darkened scanner room. Scanning began with a standard spin echoT1-weighted sequence positioned parallel to the line of the anterior andposterior commissures covering the prefrontal cortex and temporoparietaljunction in four slices. This yielded axial slices of the brain for analyses.Imaging parameters were matrix size = 128 X 128; TR =500 msec; TE = 60; FOV = 24 cm; NEX = 1;slice thickness = 4 mm, with 1 mm skip.

T2.-weightedimages were acquired using echo planar imaging (EPI) gradient echo sequence(matrix size = 128 X 128; TR = 3000 msec; TE= 60 msec; FOV = 24 cm; flip angle = 75degrees; slice thickness = 4 mm, with 1 mm skip, interleaved, and 1NEX) covering the same brain regions and in the same plane as the T1-weightedsequence. During each functional imaging sequence, 226 volumes of four axialsections were taken for each participant. Measures of brain activationAnalyses of the brain activation were conducted at two levels. First,statistical parametric maps were created, followed by a regional analysis of thehemodynamic response. Brain regions were analyzed for each participant foractivation slice-by-slice with the Analyses of Functional Neuroimages Package(AFNI) running under UNIX software (; ).

Thefirst ten image sets taken during a silent period were excluded in the analysisto ensure steady baseline measures. The data were realigned to the twentiethimage set to minimize motion related artifacts. Inspection of the registrationgraphs indicated that no participant moved more than 1.5 mm in any directionover the course of the session. The images were smoothed with a filter (fullwidth at half maximum 6 mm). The MRI signals were compared for differentialactivity when hearing the names.

A cross-correlation analysis was applied on avoxel-by-voxel basis to determine if the MRI signal differed when hearingone’s own name relative to hearing the names of others. In theanalysis, the MRI signal for own name was compared to the signal forothers’ names, providing a set of voxels that were more active whenhearing one’s own name relative to hearing the names of others. Allvoxels that passed the statistical threshold (p-value = 0.01,uncorrected) in the task-activated datasets were considered activated. In thisway, we identified the voxels that correlated with the changes in task fromperiods when own name was present to periods when other names were present. Thisanalysis provided statistical parametric maps for each participant of voxels ofactivation for the differences in activation between hearing one’sown name and hearing the names of others.The T1 anatomical images were aligned to the EPI images to localize theregions of activation. A specific region was defined as active for a participantif five or more contiguous pixels were activated.

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