Hi Everyone,I recently purchased the Australian Simulation Glasair III for FSX only to realize I could not see out of the cockpit windows. After spending the last few hours doing research I have discovered that the developer is no longer in business.The issue is linked to SP2 or Acceleration (a fact not mentioned when I purchased).

Prior to closing down the developer had issued a patch to correct the problems. That patch, named 'asg3fsxsp2.zip', is nowhere to be found.Anyone know where it might be available??I would even be willing to provide proof of purchase to anyone who could share the patch with me, unless of course this violates a rule. I assume since the developer is not in business they would not mind for legit customers - at least one would hope so anyway.Any help at all would be truly appreciated.

I cannot afford to purchase add-ons very often (times are tough with four kids to feed:) so I hate to think I just wasted money. Using google I found this that might help you to fix it yourself.got it fixed!!!!! Maybe?Did you get it sorted out?I am trying.

I am not very good with Photoshop so i am looking things up on-line as I go.Here is where I have problems:.Launch DXTBmpOpen the first texture fileEdit the Alpha Channel in your default editor (mine is Photoshop)Now you should have an open image document with a colored square in the middle, probably white or grey.This is my issue. The document that opens in photoshop is completely white. It is nothing like he suggests. The instructions were very vague to begin with so I am trying different ways to open the document in the hope that it will appear as mentioned.


Glasair Iii Airplane

I have tried to use the command straight from DXTBmp that allows you to open the Alpha in your editor of choice, and this is the file that shows up blank. I have also tried to save the save the file as another file type that photoshop could open it (it cannot open DDS textures directly.)Anyway, I really appreciate your help and your checking back with me. I will keep trying different things and maybe I can sort it out.

This forum is the best.Also, FS Pilot Shop offered me a refund credit to my account, which speaks highly of them to do that. If I can get it to actually work I will return the money back again,because all I want is to fly the plane.Thanks again and I will report back.Marc.

nowboted – 2020