
Archydro 10.1


I am trying to run a function from in ArcMap 10.1; Sink evaluation. But before it can finish it returns an error message, that, frankly, I don't understand at all.It goes System.runtime.interopservices.comexception (0x80004005): error hresult efail.Can anyone help me solve this? I have tried all I can think of. Run the function from the toolbox instead of dropdown menus, shorten paths, restart ArcMap, reinstall AHT, open new map documents, restart my computer, wait till next day and see if it automagically have fixed itself.After searching this forum I found a, although it's got no answers.

Now I'm all out of ideas, can anyone please help me?!I'm using ArcMap 10.1 SP1 basic license and Windows 7.I think I have narrowed it down a bit, still not clear what's wrong though. Sink evaluation uses a series of functions in Arcmap, of which one is Zonal statistics as table. That's the one it gets stuck on. The input raster somehow does not exist, path unknown. I guess this is some intermediary raster.After consulting the Arc Hydro team, I got the advice not to use grids stored in a gdb (which I didn't).

I have also tried to change target locations, thanks to @G.Oxsen. Unfortunately neither of those solved the issue.


According to the Arc Hydro team, GPL0 that I asked about earlier is an in-memory grid, so probably no problem there.I am currently pursuing that it is related to the installation of SP1. Anyone out there using AHT with SP1 and got Sink evaluation working?Uninstalling SP1 did not change anything, unfortunately. Still working on this, but with less intensity. Seems like I'll have to find workarounds.By reducing the number of sinks in need of processing I managed to get Sink evaluation running. Having the files not stored in a gdb seem to help as well, as mentioned earlier, and using integer grids.Changing the 'Maximum number of unique values to render' in ArcMap Options (Customize menu), tab Raster - Raster dataset is another tip that I got (from the Arc Hydro Team). Restarting ArcMap after running every one or two functions also helps keeping things stable.

Archydro 10.5 Data

I had a similar problem with archydro tools in ArcGIS 10.0 Try going to the archydro tool bar and go to ApUtilitiesSet Target Location. Go into each section in that list and edit the Raster Data target locations.

Make sure the location is targeted to a standard folder and not a.gdb or.mdb (in the selection window make sure the 'Show of type:' field is set to 'Shapefile/Raster Workspace' and not 'Personal/File Geodatabase'). You may be able to accomplish the same goal through the environment options (Geoprocessing drop down menu ) by changing the workspace environment to a regular folder and not a.gdb or.mdb,but I would not mess with the workspace environment unless I had to. Changing the workspace environment will affect all of the processes not just the raster environment for archydro tools. Let me know if this helps.

Well I had that problem with Hec-geoHMS while trying to create the basin model file.To fix this I implemented the steps mentioned above and I did not change the output destinations of any files on any operation starting from (Preprocessing) so by default it stored them in a folder called (Layers). The error didn't happen again due to me 'going with the flow'.Now if you're interested in what I was doing wrong, I deliberately changed the output destination to the file geodatabase I was working on (I did that as a work-around a previous error, little did I know I was making things worse). The 'RawDEM' file was gone and couldn't be selected or found so I had to use the original DEM I had-That was a sure sign that something was wrong.

It was a huge mess. Anyways the HRESULT error is no more. The database is the main problem.

If you want to solve this problem create a new geodatabase or copy the original geodatabase from your document folder to your currently working on project folder. Then set the copied geodatabase as default geodatabase and start sinking.notice:. After creating the new windows account run the ArcMap for the first time then close it. Go to my document and copy the ArcGIS folder to work on the new project folder.(in fact make a backup from your original geodatabase folder). Start ArcMap again. Start new project. Set the copied geodatabase as default geodatabase for you project.

Save new project with any name in your working on project folder. Input your DEM file and sink it.

nowboted – 2020