If I understand rightly you are trying to install OS 3.9 using an ISO on Amiberry. Unfortunately, CD ROM images don't seem to work this way in Amiberry (and if I recall correctly Amibian also). I have tried to do this on Amibian and found that for the RPi versions, getting the CD drive to work isn't currently possible.

But why did you replaced the rpi Amiga with a A600? Wasnt the rpi amiga satisfying enough as an Amiga?


Also where you able to use the WB in 1080k/hi resolution on Rpi using Picasso ROM or something? Also 4.X WB only work for PPC? I thought somehow it was supposed to work with 68000 version as well (it seems to me too from the installer / unsure).

Installing amigaos 3.9 winuae 1

Actualy I was able to make a 3.5 install from RPi directly. Surprisingly the network/web browser worked 'out of the box' after I installed few shit / 3rd parties extension.I should retry to redo an install on Rpi once with 3.9. Ill keep it this time now I know for sure version 4.X wont work on rpi. Anyways 4.X is 'non canon', seems buggy as hell / I didnt like that much:) I just regret to have wiped my previous rpi install which was actualy fine haha. RPi/A600: Didn't replace, but have both. I've been wanting a real Amiga for a while (I collect Retro systems), and saw one for sale with the Vampire 2 already installed so I jumped on it.

More of just a personal preference thing.- I hadn't been able to get anything higher resolution with the RPi in that regard, but I believe that is a limitation of the emulation software being used (UAE in linux looks like it only supports up to a certain resolution). I could be wrong on that though.- The 4.X Amiga OSes require a PowerPC architecture, they do not support just the 68000-series processors on their own. In WinUAE and Amiga Forever, you can actually use the CyberStorm PPC plugins to emulate the PPC archicectures, but Amibian/Amiberry do not seem to allow to add those plugins yet. I believe we've asked Guntar (guy who made the Amibian distros), and He had noted that it's the authors of UAE for linux who would need to add the support for that.I did get 3.5 to install on Amibian directly by making a HDF in WinUAE with the contents of the 3.5 ISO, but couldn't get 3.9 to work.

Installing Amigaos 3.9 Winuae Windows 7

Subsequently though, I did get both versions to work when installing/building the OS HDFs out in WinUAE and then copying them and running them on my Amibian system.

Amigaos 3.9

So yesterday I had this desire to us the Amiga OS, so I downloaded WinUAE and the copy of Amiga OS 3.9 that is on the FTP, and try as I might I can't seem to install it. Using directions the installer hangs, and using directions it just doesn't workany one have any ideas or know of a pre-built disk image out there let me know.(before you ask or tell me I did do an extensive google search on my problem)Desktop: Power Mac G4 Running 10.2.8, 9.2.2, 8.7b, OS X Server 1.2Laptop: Dell Inspiron 2.00ghz processor, 4gb of ram, 300gb hd, Windows 7 Home Premium'Lets make a dent in the universe' - Steve Jobs.

nowboted – 2020