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  2. Ida Pro Advanced Download

. Currently5/5.Rating: 5.0 (1 vote)Author:Joe HewittWebsite:Current version:1.11.2Last updated:February 23, 2013Direct D/L link:License type:BSD / Open Source (JavaScript)Description:Firebug integrates with Firefox, to put a wealth of web development tools at your fingertips while you browse.

You can edit, debug, and monitor CSS, HTML, and JavaScript live in any web page.Probably the most advanced web/javascript debugger in existence.Also listed in:,More details:Tool name. Currently5/5.Rating: 5.0 (6 votes)Author:Ilfak GuilfanovWebsite:Current version:6.1Last updated:April 8, 2011Direct D/L link:License type:CommercialDescription:The IDA Pro Disassembler and Debugger is an interactive, programmable, extendible, multi-processor disassembler hosted on Windows or on Linux. IDA Pro has become the de-facto standard for the analysis of hostile code, vulnerability research and COTS validation.There is also a free (crippled) version available (IDA Pro Free). See its own entry in the library for more info.As of January 7, 2007, the official IDA Pro website moved from the old URL (to the one listed above.Also listed in:,More details:Tool name. Currently5/5.Rating: 5.0 (2 votes)Author:pancakeWebsite:Current version:2.0.0Last updated:October 10, 2017Direct D/L link:License type:LGPLDescription:The radare project aims to provide a complete unix-like toolchain for working with binary files. It currently provides a set of tools to work with 6502, 8051, arc, arm64, avr, brainfuck, whitespace, malbolge, cr16, dcpu16, ebc, gameboy, h8300, tms320, nios2, x86, x8664, mips, arm, snes, sparc, csr, m68k, powerpc, dalvik and java.The main program is 'r2' a commandline hexadecimal editor with support for debugging, disassembling, analyzing structures, searching data, analyzing code and support for scripting with bindings for Python, NodeJS, Perl, Ruby, Go, PHP, Vala, Java, Lua, OCaml.Radare comes with the unix phylosophy in mind.

Each module, plugin, tool performs a specific task and each command can be piped to another to extend its functionality. Also, it treats everything as a file: processes, sockets, files, debugger sessions, libraries, etc. Everything is mapped on a virtual address space that can be configured to map multiple files on it and segment it.If you are interested or feel attracted by the project join us in the #radare channel at irc.freenode.net.See website for more details.Also listed in:,More details:Tool name. Currently5/5.Rating: 5.0 (1 vote)Author:Betov/Rene, Beyond2K, othersWebsite:Current version:2.053gLast updated:September 13, 2013Direct D/L link:License type:Free / Open Source / GPLedDescription:Previously known as SpAsm.The easy way for writing full 32 Bits Applications in AssemblyIDE with full integration of all components. RosAsm is auto-compilable and the Sources are hosted inside the PEs. Currently4.5/5.Rating: 4.5 (2 votes)Author:Boban bobby SpasicWebsite:Current version:1.2.0Last updated:November 2, 2008Direct D/L link:License type:Free / Open SourceDescription:Malware hunting tool. Web pages that contain exploits often use a series of redirects and obfuscated code to make it more difficult for somebody to follow.

MalZilla is a useful program for use in exploring malicious pages. It allows you to choose your own user agent and referrer, and has the ability to use proxies. It shows you the full source of webpages and all the HTTP headers.

It gives you various decoders to try and deobfuscate javascript aswell.Also listed in:,More details:Tool name. Currently4/5.Rating: 4.0 (2 votes)Author:Evan TeranWebsite:Current version:0.9.20Last updated:January 15, 2014Direct D/L link:License type:GPLDescription:Features. Intuitive GUI interface. The usual debugging operations (step-into/step-over/run/break). Conditional breakpoints.

Debugging core is implemented as a plugin so people can have drop in replacements. Currently4/5.Rating: 4.0 (1 vote)Author:Lionel d'HauenensWebsite:Current version:32Bit/64Bit Version (beta)Last updated:May 19, 2008Direct D/L link:License type:FreeDescription:Symbol Type Viewer 32Bit/64Bit Version betaSymbol Type Viewer is a tool which makes it possible to easily visualize the types which can be defined in the symbols of the modules of the systems Microsoft Windows 32/64bit. Moreover, it makes it possible to convert these informations for the C language (.h) and the disassembler IDA of DataRescue (.idc).Symbol Type Viewer allows to:- download the symbols (pdb) very simply.- sail and visualize in a detailed way the types and their members in the form of tree structureeasily find the unused areas in the structures (padding). These areas are theoretically usable to put personal data there- translate the structures for the C Language (.h) and for IDA script (.idc) of DataRescue (personalize the formatting: addition of suffix in the names of types, freeze the sizes of structures and members (the pointers become ULONG32 for a 32bit system and UINT64 for a 64bit system)- apply searchs of texts or regular expressions- do a batch processing by treating all modules met in a directory and its under-directories.

Hex-rays Ida Pro Advanced V6.1.0110409 Retail 2011 Download

For example: C:Windows;)CHRONOLOGY+ May 18th, 2008: Version beta (32Bit / 64Bit)- bug Correction of a problem with “unnamed” structures included in a member of struct array. Those are not defined during a complete translation to the C format. This problem doesn't appear during a translation to IDA script like with Viewer. (Thank to Damien AUMAITRE)+ May 10th, 2008: Version beta (32Bit / 64Bit)- bug Correction of a problem of identification of bitfield structure inside “union” (Thank to mxatone)- bug Correction of a problem with IDA and the too small member names. IDA does not accept the names lower than 3 characters.

To solve that, '” is automatically added at the end of the names with one or two characters. Currently4/5.Rating: 4.0 (2 votes)Author:Syser SoftwareWebsite:Current version:1.99.1900.1220Last updated:July 21, 2011Direct D/L link:License type:Commercial (with trial)Description:A new promising ring 0 debugger for Windows,aiming to take the place of the once almighty SoftICE.is designed for Windows NT Family based on X86 platform.It is a kernel debugger with full-graphical interfaces and supports assembly debugging and source code debugging.Very capable SoftICE alternative, this tool has become truly powerful!Also listed in:More details:Tool name. Currently3.667/5.Rating: 3.7 (3 votes)Author:MicrosoftWebsite:Current version:6.2.9200.16384Last updated:December 28, 2012Direct D/L link:N/ALicense type:FreeDescription:Note: version 6.2 came with Windows 8 and is actually newer than the latest version 6.12.0002.633 for Windows 7.Microsoft's own ring 0 debugger. Quite unfriendly to use, but one of the remaining stable options since the discontinuation of SoftICE.You will find some extensions that make it at least somewhat easier to use, in the WinDbg extensions category.Also listed in:,More details:Tool name. Currently3/5.Rating: 3.0 (1 vote)Author:Immunity Inc / Oleh YuschukWebsite:Current version:1.6Last updated:March 27, 2008Direct D/L link:N/ALicense type:FreeDescription:Immunity Debugger is based on OllyDbg.Immunity Debugger is a powerful new way to write exploits, analyze malware, and reverse engineer binary files. Currently0/5.Rating: 0.0 (0 votes)Author:Compuware / NumegaWebsite:Current version:Last updated:Jan, 2006Direct D/L link:License type:Commercial (Discontinued)Description:This is the official and final patch released for Compuware DriverStudio Version 3.2.It was originally located, but is no longer offered, at:ftp://ftp.compuware.com/pub/driverstudio/outgoing/patch/DS3.2.1.zipThe purpose of this patch is to update DriverStudio – DriverSuite to fix several bugs that have been found. It also has the operating system update patch.Also listed in:More details:Tool name.

Currently0/5.Rating: 0.0 (0 votes)Author:Hewlett-Packard Laboratories & MIT & Derek BrueningWebsite:Current version: updated:October 6, 2015Direct D/L link:License type:Free and open source (BSD-type license)Description:DynamoRIO is a runtime code manipulation system that supports code transformations on any part of a program, while it executes. DynamoRIO exports an interface for building dynamic tools for a wide variety of uses: program analysis and understanding, profiling, instrumentation, optimization, translation, etc.

Unlike many dynamic tool systems, DynamoRIO is not limited to insertion of callouts/trampolines and allows arbitrary modifications to application instructions via a powerful IA-32/AMD64 instruction manipulation library. DynamoRIO provides efficient, transparent, and comprehensive manipulation of unmodified applications running on stock operating systems (Windows or Linux) and commodity IA-32 and AMD64 hardware.DynamoRIO's powerful API abstracts away the details of the underlying infrastructure and allows the tool builder to concentrate on analyzing or modifying the application's runtime code stream. API documentation is included in the release package and can also be browsed online.Previous description:The DynamoRIO Collaboration - Dynamo from Hewlett-Packard Laboratories + RIO (Runtime Introspection and Optimization) from MIT's Laboratory for Computer Science.The DynamoRIO dynamic code modification system, joint work between Hewlett-Packard and MIT, is being released as a binary package with an interface for both dynamic instrumentation and optimization. The system is based on Dynamo from Hewlett-Packard Laboratories.

It operates on unmodified native binaries and requires no special hardware or operating system support. It is implemented for both IA-32 Windows and Linux, and is capable of running large desktop applications.The system's release was announced at a PLDI tutorial on June 16, 2002, titled 'On the Run - Building Dynamic Program Modifiers for Optimization, Introspection and Security.'

Here is the tutorial abstract:In the new world of software, which heavily utilizes dynamic class loading, DLLs and interconnected components, the power and reach of static analysis is diminishing. An exciting new paradigm of dynamic program optimization, improving the performance of a program while it is being executed, is emerging. In this tutorial, we will describe intricacies of building a dynamic optimizer, explore novel application areas such as program introspection and security, and provide details of building your own dynamic code modifier using DynamoRIO.

DynamoRIO, a joint development between HP Labs and MIT, is a powerful dynamic code modification infrastructure capable of running existing binaries such as Microsoft Office Suite. It runs on both Windows and Linux environments. We are offering a free release of DynamoRIO for non-commercial use. A copy of the DynamoRIO release, which includes the binary and a powerful API, will be provided to the attendees.Also listed in:,More details:Tool name. Currently0/5.Rating: 0.0 (0 votes)Author:Aristide Fattori, Roberto Paleari and Lorenzo MartignoniWebsite:Current version:20100325Last updated:March 25, 2010Direct D/L link:License type:GPLv3Description:HyperDbg is a kernel debugger that leverages hardware-assisted virtualization. More precisely, HyperDbg is based on a minimalistic hypervisor that is installed while the system runs.

Compared to traditional kernel debuggers (e.g., WinDbg, SoftIce, Rasta R0 Debugger) HyperDbg is completely transparent to the kernel and can be used to debug kernel code without the need of serial (or USB) cables. For example, HyperDbg allows to single step the execution of the kernel, even when the kernel is executing exception and interrupt handlers.

Compared to traditional virtual machine based debuggers (e.g., the VMware builtin debugger), HyperDbg does not require the kernel to be run as a guest of a virtual machine, although it is as powerful.Also listed in:More details:Tool name. Currently0/5.Rating: 0.0 (0 votes)Author:Jeremy GordonWebsite:Current version:Last updated:Direct D/L link:License type:freeDescription:This collection of free tools contains:. A free assembler (GoAsm.exe), which produces COFF object files ready to be given to a linker to create the final executable. The author's aim has been to make an assembler with clean and obvious syntax, which is very quick, and which always tries to produce the smallest code. GoAsm also has some useful extensions to make programming for Windows easier. It has enhanced support for making Unicode programs and can produce programs for both Win32 and Win64(x64) platforms. A free resource compiler (GoRC.exe), which produces RES files from RC files, or OBJ files from RC or RES files, together with documentation.

A free linker (GoLink.exe), which takes COFF object files and a Res file and creates EXE or DLL executables able to run under Windows Win32 or Win64(x64). This is a full featured but 'reduced baggage' linker which keeps files to a minimum. You do not need Lib files to identify what functions reside in the DLLs. Instead GoLink looks inside the DLLs themselves. Used with GoAsm, this linker can report on redundant data and code in your programs.

It also allows use of Unicode filenames and labels (exports and imports). 'GoBug' - A free Win32 symbolic debugger for assembler programmers, together with 'Testbug', its accompanying test program and Win32+assembler demo program. It is itself written entirely in assembler, using GoAsm and GoLink.Also listed in:,More details:Tool name. Currently0/5.Rating: 0.0 (0 votes)Author:Goran DevicWebsite:Current version:2.6Last updated:July 28, 2005Direct D/L link:License type:GPLDescription:What is Linice?Linice is an Intel x86-based, Linux source-level kernel debugger with the look and feel of SoftIce for MS Windows.Linice is designed to be used by the people who have SoftIce experience. Linice provides a major subset of SoftIce commands, and adds a few new ones. For that reason the documentation describing individual commands is not provided.

There are a number of good resources on the Web that describe all SoftIce commands (Google 'SoftIce' keyword.)What can I use it for?You can use Linice to debug a kernel module or a user application. You can also debug a Linux kernel.

Kernel does not need to be recompiled or patched in any way. The debugger proper loads as a module into the running kernel and supports debugging using the following devices:local VGA frame bufferX-Windowremote serial terminalmonochrome monitorYou can break into a running kernel at any time by a hotkey. Place breakpoints, single step, watch variables etc. Multiple international keyboard layouts are supported.Also listed in:,More details:Tool name. Currently0/5.Rating: 0.0 (0 votes)Author:Michael Willigens, Rene LaemmertWebsite:Current version:3.1.0RC1Last updated:October 16, 2014Direct D/L link:License type:public domain, closed sourceDescription:mmBBQ injects an interactive codecaving Lua API into a win32 process. It is easy to use, there are no dependencies and only little knowledge is required. It was initially built to create APIs for MMORPGs.

However it is fully generic and can attach to any kind of program. It can also inject into many protected processes, as it's meant to bypass some protective mechanisms. It offers debugging functionality, but not being a debugger itself makes it harder to detect.It's easy to place any form of generic codecaves by using plain Lua code (LuaJIT C-Types). For Example:codecave.inject(nil, getProcAddress('user32', 'GetMessageA'), function(context) print('Hellow World Codecave') end)It can also call arbitrary functions of the host process:asmcall.cdecl(getProcAddress('user32', 'MessageBoxA'), 0, 'Hello World!' , 'Title', 0)Aside that it includes a debugging and disassembly module, that can be used to script breakpoints.

This can be useful when making packed.exe extractors etc.64 bit support is underway. And further future maybe also a Linux and Mac version.Also listed in:,More details:Tool name. Currently0/5.Rating: 0.0 (0 votes)Author:ObjectisWebsite:Current version:1.3Last updated:January 17, 2014Direct D/L link:License type:FreeDescription:Accelerates the integration, testing and development phase by a factor of 2 to 10, in one easy-to-use application.oStudio - Live Tuning brings a new development and real time debugging method.

It's easy to connect embedded systems, automation and.NET applications to oStudio - Live Tuning, and to interact with them LIVE!Traditional step by step debugging techniques are now history. A system doesn’t need to be halted to verify and validate its behavior anymore! Amy winehouse frank 320 rapidshare download sites. This method, called live debugging, consists of observing and interacting with a real-time system while it’s still running. OStudio – Live Tuning is a new generation of debugger.

It regroups new debugging tools for embedded systems and the machine industry with automated testing.Also listed in:,More details:Tool name. Currently0/5.Rating: 0.0 (0 votes)Author:denekeWebsite:Current version:Last updated:January 16, 2010Direct D/L link:License type:Free / Open SourceDescription:Obsidian is a non-intrusive debugger, which means that it doesn't change the targets process as a normal debugger would.

Currently0/5.Rating: 0.0 (0 votes)Author:Pedram AminiWebsite:Current version:1.1-REV122Last updated:May 22, 2007Direct D/L link:License type:Free / Open SourceDescription:PaiMei, is a reverse engineering framework consisting of multiple extensible components. The framework can essentially be thought of as a reverse engineer's swiss army knife and has already been proven effective for a wide range of both static and dynamic tasks such as fuzzer assistance, code coverage tracking, data flow tracking and more. The framework breaks down into the following core components:. PyDbg: A pure Python win32 debugging abstraction class. pGRAPH: A graph abstraction layer with seperate classes for nodes, edges and clusters.

PIDA: Built on top of pGRAPH, PIDA aims to provide an abstract and persistent interface over binaries (DLLs and EXEs) with separate classes for representing functions, basic blocks and instructions. The end result is the creation of a portable file that when loaded allows you to arbitrarily navigate throughout the entire original binary.A layer above the core components you will find the remainder of the PaiMei framework broken into the following over-arching components:. Utilities: A set of utilities for accomplishing various repetitive tasks. Console: A pluggable WxPython GUI for quickly and efficiently rolling out your own sexy RE utilities.

Scripts: Individual scripts for accomplishing various tasks. One very important example of which is the pidadump.py IDA Python script which is run from IDA to generate.PIDA modules.The documentation for the framework is available online at: very informative discussion thread about PaiMei, including a bunch of tutorials on how to use the different aspects of it, can be found at:listed in:,More details:Tool name. Currently0/5.Rating: 0.0 (0 votes)Author:Amr ThabetWebsite:Current version:1.2.0 and 1.21 visual CLast updated:December 28, 2012Direct D/L link:License type:GPLDescription:Pokas x86 Emulator is an Application-Only emulator created for generic unpacking and testing the antivirus detection algorithms.This Emulator has many features some of them are:1. Has an assembler and a disassembler from and to mnemonics.2. Support adding new APIs and adding the emulation function to them.3.

Ida Pro Advanced Download

Support a very powerful debugger that has a parser that parses the condition you give and create a very fast native code that perform the check on this condition.4. Support seh and support tib, teb, peb and pebldrdata.5. It monitors all the memory writes and log up to 10 previous Eips and saves the last accessed and the last modified place in memory.6. It support 6 APIs:GetModuleHandleA, LoadLibrayA, GetProcAddress, VirtualAlloc, VirtualFree and VirtualProtect.7. With all of these it's FREE and open source.It successfully emulates:1. MorphineBut it does contain bugs and it still in the beta version. It surely will be fixed soon with the help of your feedback.you can download it from listed in:,More details:Tool name.

Currently0/5.Rating: 0.0 (0 votes)Author:Toolcrypt GroupWebsite:Current version:Last updated:Direct D/L link:License type:FreeDescription:Poke is a run-time process examination tool. It reminds slightly of a debugger, but is injected into a running process and does not use the Debug API. This tool can give you some valuable help if the process you want to examine has some heavy anti-debugging features. Poke is under development and is tested and works on Win2K.Also listed in:,More details:Tool name.

Currently0/5.Rating: 0.0 (0 votes)Author:David ZimmerWebsite:Current version:Last updated:March 30, 2012Direct D/L link:License type:freeDescription:scdbg is a shellcode analysis application built around the libemu emulation library. Currently0/5.Rating: 0.0 (0 votes)Author:Amr ThabetWebsite:Current version:v 1.00Last updated:November 25, 2012Direct D/L link:License type:GPL v.2Description:Do you see writing a security tool in windows is hard?Do you have a great idea but you can’t implement it?Do you have a good malware analysis tool and you don’t need it to become a plugin in OllyDbg or IDA Pro?So, Security Research and Development Framework is for you.Abstract:This is a free open source Development Framework created to support writing security tools and malware analysis tools. And to convert the security researches and ideas from the theoretical approach to the practical implementation.This development framework created mainly to support the malware field to create malware analysis tools and anti-virus tools easily without reinventing the wheel and inspire the innovative minds to write their researches on this field and implement them using SRDF.Introduction:In the last several years, the malware black market grows widely. The statistics shows that the number of new viruses increased from 300,000 viruses to millions and millions nowadays.The complexity of malware attacks also increased from small amateur viruses to stuxnet, duqu and flame.The malware field is searching for new technologies and researches, searching for united community can withstand against these attacks.

And that’s why SRDFThe SRDF is not and will not be developed by one person or a team. It will be developed by a big community tries to share their knowledge and tools inside this FrameworkSRDF still not finished and it will not be finished as it’s a community based framework developed by the contributors. We just begin the idea.The SRDF is divided into 2 parts: User-Mode and Kernel-Mode. Currently0/5.Rating: 0.0 (0 votes)Author:Compuware / NumegaWebsite:Current version:Last updated:April, 2006Direct D/L link:License type:Commercial (Discontinued)Description:SoftICE was the king of ring 0 debuggers until Windows XP came along. At that point it turned very unstable on many computers, and never really recovered. It was sadly discontinued in April 2006.SoftICE began its story already as a DOS debugger, brought to fame by the ORC tutorials.

These ancient DOS versions, 2.62 (with snap feature) and 2.80 (snap feature removed), are downloadable here for history preserving reasons.Also listed in:,More details:Tool name. Currently0/5.Rating: 0.0 (0 votes)Author:SkywingWebsite:Current version: updated:October 28, 2007Direct D/L link:License type:FreeDescription:VMKD (Virtual Machine KD Extensions) is a program that provides high speed kernel debugging support for VMware virtual machines. VMKD allows you to debug a VMware VM in a high speed fashion, instead of using the much slower and lower bandwidth virtual serial port mechanism.When you use VMKD to debug a VM, VMKD creates a named pipe on the machine hosting the VM that you can connect to using the usual kernel debugging over named pipe support in WinDbg. However, unlike conventional VM kernel debugging, which is done by creating a virtual serial port in the VM and exposing it to the host system as a named pipe, VMKD does not internally use a virtual serial port to communicate with the kernel running in the VM. Instead, VMKD uses a high speed interface that takes advantage of the fact that the kernel is running in a VM to enhance the performance and responsiveness of the kernel debugging experience.VMKD has presently only been tested against VMware Server 1.0.3 and 1.0.4.

It is designed in a fashion that is intended to be portable to future VMware versions, however this forwards compatibility is fairly fragile and may break on future releases. VMKD does not support Microsoft Virtual Server or other virtualization products. Do not attempt to use VMKD with other virtualization programs or with a physical machine.The main benefits of using VMKD instead of conventional serial port debugging are:1.

VMKD provides a very low latency link between the kernel debugger and the VM if you are running the kernel debugging on the same computer hosting the VM. This means that most kernel debugger commands will respond much quicker than with normal kernel debugging (many commands are typically fairly close to local kernel debugging (lkd) speed, such as!process 0 0, which typically returns in 1-2 seconds or less even with 40-50 running processes when operating with VMKD). This improved response time even makes complex conditional breakpoints on “warm” kernel code paths feasible!2. Data transfer speed.

VMKD can move data to and from a VM much faster than the virtual serial port debugging mechanism. For example, I typically received around 200KBps throughput while doing bulk memory reads on a VM, far beyond that possible with a virtual serial port. Most of the overhead now remaining in terms of bulk data transfer is reflective of design limitations of the protocol that VMKD uses to talk to the kernel debugger client (DbgEng.dll). Note that 1394 can still write physical memory dumps faster than VMKD, because 1394 KD can essentially DMA the target’s physical memory across the wire due to special support in the 1394 DbgEng KD protocol client. However, in most other aspects, VMKD provides equivalent or superior performance to even 1394 KD.3. Processor usage.

Normally, when you are kernel debugging a computer, the target is spinning on the kernel debugger I/O hardware (such as the serial port or 1394 controller). With a VM, this is a particular problematic condition, as it causes the VM to monopolize one CPU with useless polling. VMKD allows the VM to sleep while waiting for input from the kernel debugger, eliminating the tendancy of conventional virtual serial port debugging to severely degrade overall system performance on the host computer.However, VMKD is not perfect. Because it was written without the assistance of either VMware or Microsoft, integration with the Windows kernel and VMware is a bit rough around the edges. Due to this, there are some steps that need to be followed to use VMKD. For some kernel debugging tasks, it may simply be easier to just use virtual serial port debugging and live with the limitations of the virtual serial port than to set up a VMKD debugging session.Also listed in:,More details:Tool name. Currently0/5.Rating: 0.0 (0 votes)Author:URSoftWebsite:Current version:8.94Last updated:March 9, 2002Direct D/L link:License type:Retail/abandonwareDescription:W32DASM is a program disassembler designed for educational purposes.

It provides you with the possibility to take a look at the code of any application, thus giving you some insight into the world of programming.It includes save, print and search functions and bundles an easy-to-use 32-bit program debugger. Other abilities consist of full cross referencing for Call / Jump instructions, functions for importing and exporting and a hex utility.There is no installation process, so your efforts are reduced to simply launching an executable file. The user interface has a rather basic appearance, but simplicity in terms of look is what makes it intuitive and easy-to-use.There’s nothing complicated about the program’s usage: just load the file of interest, disassemble it and use the additional functions that the application offers. Once you open a project, you might be struck by the strange looking font. Make sure to switch to another one in the Disassembler menu by checking with the font sample.You are going to love W32DASM if you're a fan of reverse engineering (start with the ending and work through the beginning).


What can you do with it? For example, you can create a key generator.In addition, the application takes up minimum CPU and memory resources, so the costs involve only your attention. Possibilities to learn about code are endless with this application.So, if you want to get the true programmer experience and “time travel to low-level programming”, then use W32DASM with confidence.Also listed in:More details:Tool name. Currently0/5.Rating: 0.0 (0 votes)Author:WKT TeamWebsite:N/ACurrent version:1.3eLast updated:Around 2001Direct D/L link:License type:FreeDescription:Also known as 'WKT Debugger'.At the time it showed up, the one and only P-Code disassembler / debugger mankind was able to use.Before it, debugging of the P-Code (Runtime interpreted Pseudo-VB code) with ordinary disassemblers / debuggers was really pain in your neck. This one saved me a lot of time, and probably helped postpone my deportation to the psychiatric research facility.Also listed in:,More details:Tool name. Currently0/5.Rating: 0.0 (0 votes)Author:FutureVisionWebsite:Current version: updated:October 17, 2008Direct D/L link:License type:FreeDescription:Wintruder is an extendable debugger for Windows 9x and Windows XP.By default, it includes debug interfaces for:- Win32 Debug API- Intel x86- Microsoft VisualBasic p-code- Virtual Dos Machine (XP only)- Win32 Stealth (XP only)- Intel x86- Microsoft VisualBasic p-code- Virtual Dos Machine- Microsoft.Net (.Net 1.0 and up)-.Net CILYou can use Wintruder for free.

For more information read license.txt. If this file does not exist, type wintruder.exe -lThis version of Wintruder is a development snapshot and far from being a final release.Most important limitations:- You may encounter several bugs and deficiencies.- The use of debug information is limited to bare function definitions.- The native.Net debugger is missing.- The script engine is not really working.- Much, much moreBy the way:- The DiaDbg plug-in requires the Microsoft Debug Interface Access library.

(msdia80.dll, msdia71.dll or msdia20.dll)- To be more precise: None of the libraries Wintruder is bound to is included in this distribution.Also listed in:,More details.

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