Dreamselfy alternative
  1. Tinierme Coming Back
  2. Tinierme Dream Selfy

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Tinierme Coming Back

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Dream Avatar Creator Tinierme

Tinierme Dream Selfy

(organize games). (share/request art). (campaign building).RPG Subreddits. +.,.


Warhammer,.Related Subreddits. Artists draw RPG gear. (Video Games). MegaGames:;;. /. (VG RPGs). (digital tools).

(WHFB & 40k).Sidebar not working? ClickThe above is licensed under 2.0. I’ve used a couple times before for character art.


You could maybe shrink it down, print / cut it out and put it on a standee for your mini.The actual “program” uses flash, and it’s basically a paper doll dress-up type thing, but you can edit every little piece, change color, position, rotation, etc. There’s tons of clothes and props, the only problems are it takes a lot of fiddling and there’s only a few poses. The art style also tends towards “superhero” which isn’t always what you want.

nowboted – 2020