Attack FrameworksMost new Wi-Fi hacking tools rely on many of the same underlying attacks, and scripts that automate using other more familiar tools like are often referred to as frameworks. These frameworks try to organize tools in smart or useful ways to take them a step beyond the functionality or usability of the original program.An excellent example of this are programs that integrate scanning tools like, attacks like, and cracking tools like to create an easy-to-follow attack chain for beginners. Doing this makes the process of using these tools easier to remember and can be seen as sort of a guided tour. While each of these attacks is possible without the hand-holding, the result can be faster or more convenient than trying to do so yourself.An example of this we've covered is the framework, a that does useful things like automating the target selection process and eliminating the time a user spends copying and pasting information between programs.

This saves valuable time for even experienced pentesters but has the disadvantage of preventing beginners from understanding what's happening 'under the hood' of the attack. While this is true, most of these frameworks are fast, efficient, and dead simple to use, enabling even beginners to take on and disable an entire network.

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Don't Miss:UX/UI Improvements for BeginnersI'll be going through a new script that attempts to create a friendlier way for beginners to start using some of the best and most reliable hacking techniques. While the script is designed to be as 'lazy' as possible by requiring a minimum of user interaction, it's also useful and powerful for beginners or experienced users looking to blast through a penetration test quickly.The focus in attack frameworks is to anticipate better what the hacker will be trying to do and pull together the necessary tools to execute the attack with a minimum of interaction from the user. In this way, the user interface and experience become the primary goal, and the script has the purpose of anticipating the tools and tactics a penetration tester would need quick access to in the field.The LAZY script starts by merely typing the letter l into a terminal window, then it asks for the name of your network interfaces after the first run. It uses the names you supply to connect to the tools needed to execute any attacks you select.

Aside from that initial input, the majority of the possible attacks can be performed merely by choosing the option number from the menu. This means you can grab a network handshake or download a new hacking tool like by just selecting from one of the menu options. Don't Miss:Extending Usability & Curating ApplicationsThe benefit of the LAZY script is that it was built with penetration testers in mind. This means it's essentially a guided tour through some of the best and most potent scripts available today.

Cara Hack Wifi Pada Windows 7

Some of the most easily accessible menu options include quick access to networking information like the gateway IP (usually the router), your IP address, MAC address, and a scan function that executes an to reveal all other devices on the network. The primary sub-menus are also broken down by functions a pentester would want easy access to. The general focus is handshakes, WPS PIN attacks, WEP attacks, and the. Is also included for analyzing internet traffic, and like email spoofing are provided. If you see a tool in red, it means you don't have it yet. To get it, you can select it and type install, and the script will do it for you. Tool is not installed.

To install Pupy, select 3, and when prompted, type install to have LAZY script manage the installation for you. Tool is not installed. To install it type 'install'.installInstalling PupyTool by n1nj4secCloning into 'pupy'.remote: Counting objects: 16472, done.remote: Compressing objects: 100% (35/35), done.remote: Total 16472 (delta 20), reused 47 (delta 20), pack-reused 16416Receiving objects: 100% (2), 27.77 MiB 4.99 MiB/s, done.Resolving deltas: 100% (6), done.Once it's complete, the option should appear in green, and you will be able to use it through LAZY script. Now, we can select option 3, and immediately jump into Pupy to begin creating listeners and payloads.


1) Generate a payload2) Start listenerb) Go back00) Main menu0) EXITWe can now type 00 to go back to the main menu to explore some more of LAZY script's functions. Step 6: Capture a WPA Handshake Through Lazy ScriptThe last feature of LAZY script I'll introduce is the quick-and-easy way of grabbing a WPA handshake for future cracking. This is useful if you want to hack a WPA network, which is by far the most common type of Wi-Fi network you'll find in use. Using this technique, you can quickly kick someone or something off the network you are targeting and capture the network handshake of the device reconnecting to the network.With this handshake, you can crack the hash with a brute-force attack.

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This tried-and-true method is one of the most critical vulnerabilities in WPA and one of the significant things that was fixed in the new WPA3.After returning to the main menu, we can try out one of LAZY script's top-menu functions, which is to capture a WPA (or WPA2) handshake for later cracking. If you have a, you should have supplied this name to LAZY script in Step 3 above, or you can do so now by typing interfaces and setting the name of the adapter in station and monitor mode. Don't Miss:Once this is set, we can choose option 10 to select the handshake menu. First, you'll need to confirm that you want to put the adapter into monitor mode if you haven't already.

Just type y to confirm and place the adapter into monitor mode. When this is done, a new terminal window will open.

You'll see that no handshake is selected and a list of the attack options.HANDSHAKE-1) Scan networks nearby Selected:None2) Capture handshake3) Aircrack the handshake4) Verify a handshake5) Clean a handshake6) Remove.csv and.netxml files0) ExitChoose:You can select option number 1 to scan for networks nearby, and you'll see a list of nearby network traffic. Let this run for a minute or two, and then press Crtl-C to stop the scan. After selecting our target network, we'll be presented with the option to either supply a file name to save the handshake to or choose 0 to not keep a file for this session.

Here, name the file something you'll remember later.After entering a name and pressing return, a new window will open presenting you with options for kicking devices off the network. Select option 1 to deauthenticate all clients and get the network handshake quickly. Make sure you have permission to do this on the network you're working on, as you'll be denying service to the network you target until you get the handshake.

As a final input, select the number of deauth packets to send, with 0 being a continuous stream until you decide to quit.DEAUTH MENU-1) Deauth all aireplay-ng2) Deauth all mdk33) Deauth client/s aireplay-ng4) Deauth all periodically aireplay-ng0) Exit -HANDSHAKE-CH 11 Elapsed: 12 s 2018-07-04 04:33BSSID PWR RXQ Beacons #Data, #/s CH MB ENC CIPHER AUTH ESSID70:3A:CB:DB:5A:78 -40 87 134 92 6 11 130 WPA2 CCMP PSK takeyourgoddBSSID STATION PWR Rate Lost Frames Probe70:3A:CB:DB:5A:78 obfuscated -72 0 - 0 22 6A new window will open, showing the status of the deauthentication attack. When you see the 'WPA handshake' appear in the top right corner, you know you've gotten the handshake for the network. Press Ctrl-C to stop the deauth attack.

Network Hacking for the LazyLAZY script is a tool that attempts to bring together the best tools with a minimum of interaction, stitching together popular hacking tools with a series of clever shell scripts. This makes the necessary tactics of, such as WPA brute-forcing, accessible to even the most inexperienced users.If you've become lazy with your Wi-Fi security at home, this is a wakeup call that you need to take things like setting your Wi-Fi password seriously.

Don't pick a password which is short or easy to guess or one that you've already used in many other places. If you need a refresher on how to keep your own Wi-Fi safe, you can check out my previous guide on defending against the main types of Wi-Fi hacking, most of which LAZY script includes.Don't Miss:I hope you enjoyed this guide to installing, configuring, and hacking with LAZY script! If you have any questions about this tutorial or LAZY script, feel free to leave a comment or reach me on Twitter. Follow Null Byte on, and. Sign up for. Follow WonderHowTo on, andCover photo and screenshots by Kody/Null Byte (unless otherwise noted). Sweet guide, I tested it on laptop running Kali and it worked without any issues.However with Kali Pi, uhm, it needed some minor tweaking!

Cara Hack Wifi Pada Windows 7 Laptop

My Raspberry Pi 3 B+ setup is up to date with all the apts/repos/upgrades, so uhm, it's definitely some small conflict between Gnome-Terminal and ARM images, anyways, I'm happy that I've managed to find the fix!

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