Regulation 3A INSIGNIFICANT BUILDING WORKS1. Regulations 4 (2), 13 and 20 (3) FEESThe fees payable for an application for approval of plans ofbuilding works under section 5 or 5A of the Act and for every item ofmodification or waiver under section 6A of the Act shall beas specified in this Schedule.Buildings1. $300 for every100m 2 or part thereof of the first 2500m 2, and$200 for every subsequent 100m 2 or part thereof, of thestatistical gross floor area of the building in respect of which thebuilding works are to be carried out.2. In paragraph 1, “statistical gross floorarea” means the aggregate of the floor areas of all the storeys,including basements, in all of the buildings in a development.Buildings consisting of wharfs,etc.3. Where the building works relate toany wharf, jetty, sewage treatment plant, dry dock, tanks (other thanwater tanks on the roof), slip dock, pier, landing stage, bridge,underpass, tunnel, canal, retaining wall, swimming pool or othersimilar structure, $300 for every 100m 2 or part thereof ofthe first 2500m 2, and $200 for everysubsequent 100m 2 or part thereof, of the total areaof the plan view of such structure.Repairs, alterations or additions tobuildings4. Except as provided inparagraph 5, where the building works consist of repairs, alterationsand additions to an existing building, $200 for each storey of thebuilding.5. Where the building works consist ofrepairs, alterations or additions to an existing non-residentialbuilding which involves the submission of structural plans, $400 foreach storey of the building.6.

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Where the alterations and additions to anexisting building involves increasing the floor area of the building,$300 for every 100m 2 or part thereof of the first2500m 2, and $200 for every subsequent 100m 2 orpart thereof, of the increase in floor area, in addition to the feespecified in paragraph 4 or 5.Departures from and deviations to approved planof buildings7. Where the buildingworks depart or deviate from the approved plans of the building works,$200 for each storey of a building in respect of which the departure ordeviation is to be made.8.

Where any departure or deviation results inan increase of the floor area of a building in respect of which theapplication is made, $300 for every 100m 2 or part thereof ofthe first 2500m 2, and $200 for everysubsequent 100m 2 or part thereof, in respect ofwhich the departure or deviation is to be made, in addition to thefee specified in paragraph 7.Application for modification orwaiver9. Where an application has beenmade under section 6A(1) of the Act for a modification or waiver, $100for every item of modification or waiver.THIRD SCHEDULE. Regulation 12 MINOR BUILDING WORKS NOT REQUIRING CERTIFICATE OFACCREDITED CHECKER1. Regulations 26, 27 and 39 OBJECTIVES AND PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DESIGNAND CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGSA. This Schedulesets out the objectives and performance requirements that must becomplied with in the design and construction of a building.2. The objectives and performance requirementsset out herein are deemed to have been satisfied if the design andconstruction of a building complies with the acceptable solutions setout in the Approved Document.B.

Structural Design andConstruction— Objective3. Theobjectives of paragraphs 4 to 7 are to—(a) protect people from injury caused by structuralfailure;(b) protect people from loss of amenity caused bystructural failure; and(c) protect other property from physical damage causedby structural failure.Performance requirement4.

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A building,including its foundation, shall be designed and constructed so that thecombined dead, imposed, wind and other intended loads can be sustainedand transmitted by it to the ground —(a) safely; and(b) without causing such deflection or deformation ofany part of that building, or such movement of the ground, as willimpair the stability of any part of another building orproperty.5. The building shall be constructed withmaterials that are appropriate for the circumstances in which they areused.6.

Tests that are appropriate to the materialsand building works concerned shall be performed on those materials andbuilding works.7. If a building or any part thereof is to bedemolished, the demolition works shall be carried out safely andwithout impairing the stability of any other part of that building oranother property.C. Headroom and ceilingheight— Objective8.

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Theobjectives of paragraph 9 are to protect people from —(a) injury caused by inadequate headroom; and(b) injury or loss of amenity caused by inadequateheight of room or space.Performance requirement9. All roomsand spaces in a building shall be provided with adequate headroomand height for their intended uses.10. The requirement in paragraph 9 shall notapply to the following rooms and spaces:(a) an attic room;(b) equipment and plant rooms;(c) the underside of a staircase or escalator if suchstaircase or escalator is not located along an access route orcirculation space;(d) toilets, bathrooms or lavatories; and(e) store rooms, utility rooms, wash area and thelike.D. Barrier-freeaccessibility— Objective11.

Theobjective of paragraphs 12 to 15 is to ensure that persons withdisabilities are able to enter and carry out their activities andfunctions within a building.Performance requirement12. At least oneaccess route shall have barrier-free features to enable persons withdisabilities to —(a) approach the building or the vehicle park; and(b) have access to those spaces where they may beexpected to work or visit.13. Sanitary facilities that are appropriatefor use by persons with disabilities shall be adequately provided foruse by such persons.14. Barrier-free facilities that areappropriate for the intended type of building or occupancy shall beadequately provided.15.

Signages shall be adequately provided toguide persons with disabilities to spaces or facilities where or whichthey may be expected to work, visit or use.E.Staircases— Objective16. Theobjective of paragraphs 17, 18 and 19 is to protect people from injuryand to facilitate access during movement from one level to another ina building.Performance requirement17. A staircase(including a flight of 2 steps or more) shall provide a safe andsuitable passage for the movement of people.18. A staircase shall have —(a) handrails or guides to assist movement;(b) landings to break a fall and provide a place forrest;(c) sufficient headroom to avoid injury; and(d) barriers against falling from 1000 mm or more froman open side.19. Paragraphs 17 and 18 shall apply only tostaircases that provide access to levels having rooms or spaces meantfor human occupation.F.

Lighting— Objective20. Theobjective of paragraphs 21 and 22 is to protect people from injury orloss of amenity due to isolation from natural lighting and lack ofartificial lighting.Performance requirement21. Lightingshall be adequately provided in a building for its intendedpurpose.22. Residential buildings, other than housesbuilt by the owners for their own use, shall be provided with naturallighting for the purpose of paragraph 21.G. Ventilation— Objective23.

Theobjective of paragraphs 24 and 25 is to protect people from loss ofamenity due to lack of fresh air.Performance requirement24. Ventilationshall be adequately provided in a building for its intendedoccupancy.25. Residential buildings, other than housesbuilt by the owners for their own use, shall be provided with naturalventilation for the purpose of paragraph 24.H. Safety fromfalling— Objective26. The objectiveof paragraph 27 is to protect people from injury caused byfalling.Performance requirement27. Where thereis a vertical drop in level of 1000 mm or more, appropriatemeasures shall be taken to prevent people from falling from aheight.28. The requirement in paragraph 27 shall notapply to —(a) roofs or other areas generally not intended forhuman occupation; and(b) special service or usage areas such as loading orunloading bays, stages for performance or entertainment.I.

Energyefficiency— Objective29. Theobjective of paragraphs 30 and 31 is to facilitate efficient use ofenergy.Performance requirement30. A buildingshall be designed and constructed with energy conservation measuresto reduce —(a) solar heat gain through the roof;(b) solar heat gain through the building envelope;(c) air leakage through doors, windows and otheropenings on the building envelope;(d) energy consumption of lighting, air-conditioning andmechanical ventilation systems; and(e) energy wastage through adequate provisions ofswitching means.31.

Commercial buildings with an aggregatefloor area of more than 500m2 shall be installed or equipped with meansto facilitate the collection of energy consumption data.J. Roof— Objective32.

Theobjective of paragraph 33 is to protect the roof of semi-detachedhouses, terraced houses and linked houses from physical damage whenrepairs, alterations or additions to the roof of an adjoining house arebeing carried out.Performance requirement33. The roofshall be designed and constructed such that the roof of every houseis separate and independent of each other.K. Lifts andEscalatorsObjective34. Theobjective of paragraphs 35 and 36 is to provide a convenient means ofvertical transportation and to protect people from injury while usingthe lifts or escalators.Performance requirement35. Lifts andescalators shall —(a) move people safely; and(b) not produce excessive acceleration ordeceleration.36. A building comprising 5 or more storeys(including the ground level) shall be provided with one or morepassenger lifts.L. LightningProtection— Objective37.


Theobjective of paragraph 38 is to protect a building from the directeffects of lightning strike and to protect its occupants from the riskof lightning current being discharged through the building.Performance requirement38. A lightningprotection system shall be capable of protecting the building and itsoccupants from the effects of lightning strike.M. Safety ofwindowsObjective39. The objective ofparagraphs 40 and 41 is to protect people from injury caused by fallingwindows.Performance requirement40. A windowsystem shall be adequately designed and constructed with appropriatematerials for its intended use.41. A casement window system shall have —(a) fasteners, fixings, hinges and stays of adequatenumber, size and strength to safely support the weight of the windowsystem and other loads imposed on it;(b) a structural frame profile that is of adequate sizeand strength and adequately reinforced at locations where screws orrivets are to be affixed; and(c) appropriate design and materials used to minimiseoccurrence of localised corrosion.SIXTH SCHEDULE. Regulation 38 PROHIBITED CONSTRUCTION MATERIALSThe following materials shall not be used in any building works:(a) high alumina cement;(b) aggregates which have potential for alkali-carbonatereaction or alkali-silica reaction for concrete works, including allother volcanic rocks or aggregates deriving from volcanic rocks;(c) admixtures containing calcium chloride; and(e) reflective glass with a daylight reflectanceexceeding 20% on any external surface of any window, door, wall orroof of a building.SEVENTH SCHEDULE.


nowboted – 2020