AdvertisementHow often do you stop and think about the apps you’re installing on your computer?We’re not talking about apps like Microsoft Word or Adobe Photoshop, which have millions of users and are perfectly safe to use. We mean other third-party apps that, on the face of it, perform useful tasks.For example, how confident are you that your The Windows 10 Start Menu is a great improvement over Windows 8, but you can make it even better. Here are the best tools for working around or replacing the Start Menu. Isn’t spying on you? Are you sure your registry cleaner isn’t causing more harm than good?

And are you confident that your favorite free game isn’t loaded with malware?Of course, most Windows apps aren’t going to cause issues. But there are some, many of which are popular, that you shouldn’t install for various reasons. Here are six Windows 10 apps and programs that you should give a wide berth to. CCleanerIn case you’re not aware, CCleaner is like a beefed-up version of the native Windows Disk Cleanup tool.The app serves two functions. Firstly, it can act as privacy tool by deleting information such as your browsing history or your recently opened apps. Secondly, it can Spending some time cleaning up Windows can yield vast performance improvements.

Here's the ultimate checklist for cleaning your Windows computer. That includes Windows logs, old installation files, and temporary internet files. Neither of these features are inherently bad. However, as part of the disk clean-up tool, it also offers a registry cleaner. Registry cleaners are false friends.

They make bold promises but often cause more harm than good, especially if you don’t know how to interpret the results.Furthermore, due to a malware scandal and shady spying features, we CCleaner was once a must-have utility. But this has changed. Here's why CCleaner is no longer safe to use and how to replace it. ITunesIf you’ve ever spent any time using a Mac, you’ll know iTunes is a terrible piece of software. And if Apple’s flagship music app is terrible on a Mac, you can imagine how bad it is on Windows.

These elements could be musical beds or special program ID's and intros. Events DatabaseA special database where you can store all your audio elements that do not fit into the other databases. Jazler radio simple pack 1. Sweepers DatabaseSweepers are the station jingles that do not contain music background and can overlap the song playing.


Today, the once majestic music app is a shadow of its former self. To be clear, iTunes isn’t going to damage your system or install malware.

And it’s not going to spy on you or hit you with a barrage of ads.It is, however, a slow, bloated, and thoroughly unenjoyable way to manage and listen to your music. Updates are too frequent and take ages, and essential functions of the app are organized in a confusing way.Almost any of the You don't need to stream music always. These alternative music players for all platforms help if you have plenty of great tracks saved on your hard drive.

— such as MusicBee, Winamp, and foobar2000 — offer a better user experience. It can be argued that Did you know that Groove Music has several great tools for managing and listening to your locally-saved music libraries?

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We highlight its best features in comparison to competing tools.! Norton Anti-VirusThe sign of a good antivirus is one that comprehensively protects you from all threats and you don’t notice it running in the background. And while Norton’s threat detection is Which anti-virus software should use? Which is the 'best'?

Here we take a look at five of the best online resources for checking anti-virus performance, to help you make an informed decision., it’s sorely lacking in the second point.If you search for issues relating to Norton slowing down a computer on Windows, you’ll notice that the top few results are from Norton’s website. They offer a mea culpa, admitting the problem was a reality in the past, but claiming it’s no longer an issue.Scroll down a little further, however, and you’ll find hundreds of forum posts from users complaining about the very same issue. Many are dated within the last 12 months.

Don’t take the risk and save yourself some money. Use one of the No matter what computer you're using, you need antivirus protection.

Here are the best free antivirus tools you can use. WhatsAppDid you know WhatsApp released a Microsoft Store app, a wrapper for its desktop app.

Notifications and keyboard shortcuts aside, it's identical to WhatsApp Web.? It went live in May 2016, but uptake has been underwhelming.You won’t find any practical difference between the web version and the desktop version. Unlike Telegram, you still need to link it to your mobile phone and be on the same Wi-Fi network for it to work.

The feature sets are identical, and the two interfaces are indistinguishable.And it gets worse. The installed app takes up almost 100MB of space, which is a surprising amount for something with such limited functionality. It doesn’t reflect well on how the developers have coded the app.Sure, there’s no spyware, no packaged toolbars, and no system issues. It’s just a whole lot of unnecessary bloat. Flash PlayerIf there’s one app on this list which you absolutely need to avoid at all costs, it’s Flash Player. The once ubiquitous app is more than 20 years old and has a been a security disaster for at least the last decade.In 2015, Recorded Future gave it the dubious award of “Most Exploited Product.” In the calendar year, it comprised eight of the top 10 vulnerabilities leveraged by exploit kits.To make matters worse (or better, depending on your viewpoint), in the middle of 2017, Adobe has announced it's killing Flash.

This is it, with Flash going away for good. No comebacks, no last-minute reprieves, gone but not forgotten., though it won’t be officially dead until 2020.While its retirement is a good thing, it means Adobe will stop supporting the product. Given the company patched 67 Flash bugs in November 2017 alone, keeping it on your system beyond its end-of-life is a recipe for a guaranteed security disaster.

Internet ExplorerEdge might not be everyone’s browser of choice ( Microsoft Edge is way better than Internet Explorer. It's time to become browser agnostic. We'll show you the unique features that make Edge worth using, even if it's not your main browser.). However, when compared to Internet Explorer, it looks like the greatest piece of software ever written.Amazingly, despite the presence of Edge, Microsoft continues to offer Internet Explorer for download.

Officially, it’s now dead. Microsoft has said it will not work on any new features for the app.

However, the latest update became available in December 2017, suggesting Redmond isn’t ready to turn its back just yet. Old habits die hard.Of course, Microsoft will keep the app updated for several years as part of its support policy, but it’s hard to understand why the app is still available for download to the public.Don’t try and be quirky or cool, Internet Explorer is awful. You don’t want it anywhere near your machine. There are countless What is your default web browser? Even though we're spoiled for choice, the majority of us stick to the tried and tested major players. What are better alternatives for resource use, speed, and security? Which Apps Do You Avoid?You need to steer clear of these six common apps for very different reasons.

Whether its security issues, a shocking user experience, unnecessary bloat, or the potential to damage your system, they are all more hassle than they are worth.Now we want to gather your input. Do you agree with our choices? Which apps would you add to this list? What makes them so repulsive?Explore more about:,.

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